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DBE Goal Setting - Public Notice

The Brazos Transit District (BTD) has set its Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) goal for federally funded contracts for fiscal years 2025-2027. A copy of the program and goal calculation is available to view on the District's website at and at the offices of BTD during normal business hours.

Brazos Transit District will accept comments on its overall annual DBE goal which is proposed at 2.83%. The overall objective is to obtain 2.47% through race-neutral means and .36% through race-conscious means. Public comment will be accepted for a 30-day period commencing June 29, 2024, and ending July 30, 2024.  Public comments can be addressed to:
Brazos Transit District
DBE Liaison Officer
2117 Nuches Ln.
Bryan, Texas 77803

DBE Goal Setting - Public Consultation

The Brazos Transit District (BTD) is setting its Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) goal for federally funded contracts for fiscal years 2025-2027.  BTD will be holding a Public Consultation meeting for any public input on their DBE goal.  Please see details below.

Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: BTD's Roy Kelly Parking Garage-301 E. 26th Street Bryan, Texas 77803

Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM
Location: BTD's Roy Kelly Parking Garage-301 E. 26th Street Bryan, Texas 77803